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Why does concrete settle? Why is my house sinkings?

Concrete problems usually have an underlying problem that develops slowly over the years. The most common causes are:

  • Poor soil conditions
    As soils become saturated with water, the clay expands and loses strength. This condition allows slabs to sink - just like standing in wet mud. This can occur from heavy rains, melting snow or plumbing leaks. On the other hand, dehydration of soil can also cause volume reduction.

  • Poor compaction
    Many homes are built on backfilled soils. If the soil is not compacted correctly before construction, backfill will gradually compact unevenly, sometimes over a year, which allows slabs to settle.

  • Tree roots
    Trees and large shrubs can consume up to gallons of water a day. If located near concrete, the loss of water in the soil will make the soil contract and can cause the slabs to settle.

  • Poor drainage
    Improper drainage can cause soil instability by creating saturated soils, which allows the slabs to settle. Poor drainage can be typical of an area, or as minor as a misplaced down spout.

  • Vibrations
    Strong increases in vibration (e.g., truck traffic) can cause subsidence or other changes in the soil. This is common in factory settings with large equipment operating.

  • Load on floors and foundations
    Heavier loads on floors and foundations can cause settlement. This can lead to problems for foundations and can cause major damage to buildings.


Many homeowners make the mistake of waiting until the problem worsens and then end up spending 3-5 times the amount of money to replace, rather than raise their sinking concrete. Until the problem is fixed, your home remains at risk.



Recognizing concrete problems – What signs to look for?

Concrete problems can come out of nowhere after a big rainstorm usually a concrete problem is an underlying issue that happens slowly over time.

We’re here to help alert you to some of the most telling signs you may have a concrete issue in its early stages. We’ll also help find a solution before the problem escalatest.


  • Doors and windows do not open correctly
    Doors and windows that no longer open smoothly, small hairline cracks in the plaster or around windows and doors and a creaking house are the first signs of a stability problem.

  • Cracks and crumbling
    Since concrete is one of the strongest building materials in the world, any significant wear and tear is cause for concern. Cracks and crumbling could be superficial and simply the sign of a weathering, but it also could indicate a more serious underlying problem: the lack of foundational stability.
    If the soil is eroding beneath the slab, cracks and crumbling could only be the beginning of the issue. Sinking and shifting could be next, so make sure you get a full assessment of the slab.

  • Porches or patios pull away from foundation
    When you see your front stairs or your back patio begin to pull away from the foundation, it’s probably not the foundation that’s moving — it’s the concrete base of your steps or patio. This signifies a lack of support beneath and that the soil has shifted or eroded, so it’s imperative to lift and stabilize the structure before it causes further damage.


Concrete problems only get worse, unless you take action. Sinking concrete. That’s because sinking concrete doesn’t ever get better on its own. By intervening early, you can avoid replacing the structure in the long run. Consider repairing floors, plaster, windows, roof construction, ...

Repair of settling of terrace tiles

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